Tuesday 29 May 2007


Just discovered this strip generator site- absoloutely fantastic. Give it a go, and you'll appreciate the fact it took me at least an hour on each comic strip. Below represents about eight hours.

Dog & Rain
Dog & Rain #
Dog# and the Showdown
Dog# & Bullet
Dog# & Zombification
His thirst for brains slowly took over.
Dog# & Revenge
Dog# & The City
Slow zombies in a fast City

Wednesday 7 March 2007

Totally Invaders VII

Totally Invaders VII

Slightly more minimal than usual.. I apologise for that. Tell me what you think of this approach. Personally, I hereby vow to complicate my imagery as I have with previous entries :p

Lots of love,

p.s. wewt for my tidal wave ending :D

Saturday 3 March 2007

Invaders Sim

Just decided to do a spot of programming! Tell me what you think- remember, comments are open to everyone, even you!

Bee Sim

Wednesday 28 February 2007

Totally Invaders VI

Totally Invaders VI

This one's a bit hard to see... but the word that keeps coming up is RAKE. ^_^
I tell you, making this was the most fun since see-saws.
Should've made it over two pages. Should've done this. Should've done that. etc. etc.


p.s. If need be- just click to enlarge!!

Totally Invaders V

Totally Invaders V

grrr stupid typical cowboys <0.o/


Totally Invaders IV

Totally Invaders IV

For those who have never encountered Roman numerals- IV means four. I think. I hope it does anyway :/

This has got to be one of my favourite pages! *egotistic*.

Totally Invaders III

Totally Invaders III

This time i've increased the size so you needn't click! YAY
Damn, I love me *so much*.


Totally Invaders II

Totally Invaders II

[no comment ]

Totally Invaders I

Totally Invaders I

This is the first of my cartoons i'm posting up hither. Enjoy while it's placid- it gets a lot more eccentric as we party on. btw- pictures are now actual size of the page they were drawn on! (^_^)
